Spare Parts
When it comes to spare parts you must be careful. A heavy pack will weigh you down and get you eaten. Also, base camps full of spare parts will fall victim to thieves or you will have to leave them all behind if you are overrun. When considering spare parts, you must first look at your gear and essentials. Spares should be ordered and saved long before the zombies are prowling the streets.
What’s it take to keep you sheltered, warm, hydrated, protected and full? These are the spares you need. Think of things that will allow you to start fires, sharpen or care for weapons. For these critical pieces of your survival pack just go by the adage:
“2 is 1 and 1 is NONE.”
When it comes to basic electronics and even firearms you can get pretty good at cannibalizing other equipment. Of course, you gotta know how these things work. Unfortunately, this can only come through experience. If you start learning today you won’t be a lost soul tomorrow.