

In any survival situation, it is always in your best interest to get as many uses at of any one item as you possibly can. This helps to minimize the amount of stuff you’ll ultimately have to carry with you and will make your life a whole lot easier. Nothing...
Hand-Held Radio With Radio

Hand-Held Radio With Radio

If you’re like a lot of people preparing for the zombie apocalypse, you’re not planning on going it alone. You’ve got a hand picked team of people you trust and can rely on when the shit hits the fan, and that’s fantastic. One thing to consider with a team of people...
Signal Flares

Signal Flares

We’ve spent a lot of time talking about how to avoid detection, but what if you need to be seen? What if the rescue helicopters are just over the ridge and the sun has gone down so you can’t use your signaling mirror? What happens then? Luckily there are several safe...
Survival Kit Tin

Survival Kit Tin

It’s always a good idea to keep your survival equipment clean, organized and ready at a moments notice. One of the best ways to do that is to utilize a stackable, sealable storage tin. The activity of organization is an essential component of the preparation process...


There is not much in your cadre of zombie preparation equipment that you will find as handy to have around as a couple of good carabiners. Carabiners are traditional tools used in rock climbing to suspend climbers via slings from various forms of bolts in rock walls....


Just because the zombies have overrun the world and we’ve been forced to escape into the wild doesn’t mean we head out without a reliable way to eat our reconstituted freeze-dried meals! A little piece of civilization can remind us of where we’ve come from and perhaps...