Long Underwear

Long Underwear

This is a topic that many people overlook. Having a good base layer is important for keeping you warm, dry and also healthy. One of the most complicated conditions to deal with in the field is a persistent skin infection which can arise from long underwear that are...


It’s important to protect yourself from the elements, and one aspect that is often overlooked is head protection. Your head is not only susceptible to over exposure from the sun, but it can also lose a ton of heat in the wintertime if you aren’t prepared. Now most...


You’ve got to protect your hands. All the guns and knives and swords and clubs in the world won’t do you much good if your fingers fall off from frostbite (also, you can’t open a cold beer after defeating the zombie horde without an opposable thumb). So let’s talk...


So the zombie apocalypse is in full swing. You’re making a run for it, maybe into the mountains somewhere or maybe out to sea. You’re certainly not going to need to worry about being on time to work tomorrow, but you’re still gonna need a watch. Watches are useful for...
Water Bottle

Water Bottle

The most expeditious way to find your self dead in a zombie apocalypse (aside from the zombies getting you) is to run out of water. Dehydration is one of the most efficient killers on the planet and if you’re not careful, it’ll sneak right up on you. Depending on your...
Water-Purification Tablets

Water-Purification Tablets

As we’ve talked about many times before, having access to potable water is the most important aspect of any survival situation. There are many different filters and purifiers out there, but you never know when you might need an emergency backup plan. If you have the...