Canned Food

Canned Food

We spend a lot of time talking about water and weapons around this site, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t love a good meal. When you’re making your long-term survival plan, you’ve got to think about where your next meal is going to be coming from…for the next…well...
Advanced Medical Kit

Advanced Medical Kit

As much as we’d like to think that we all survive through a zombie apocalypse unscathed (and who knows, maybe we will) at some point, somewhere after the fall of civilization, we’re going to need some medical care. If you’re organizing a team to survive the apocalypse...
Bicycle Powered Generator

Bicycle Powered Generator

Many of the situations we’ll face during and after the zombie apocalypse will be made worse by the loss of electricity. Whether it may be the need to charge our radios or the need to keep our antibiotics in a cool environment, electrical power is something that will...
Gas Generator

Gas Generator

There may come a time when you need more electricity than your solar panels or bicycle chargers can provide you with. Perhaps the zombie threat has abated and you’re trying to restore normalcy as you rebuild civilization. Or maybe you’ve got a chance to power up a...
Twenty Gallons of Gasoline

Twenty Gallons of Gasoline

If you can go by vehicle, you must go by vehicle. The dead just cannot compete with the speed of a vehicle. Gas is important for things outside of powering tools and vehicles as well. A few Molotov cocktails can really slow down a zombie horde. Outside of finding the...