

Backpack The backpack you choose for your survival kit may be one of the most important decisions you make in the course of outfitting yourself for the Zombie Apocalypse. As a result, there are many factors which come into play during the backpack selection process....


Boots may be the 2nd most important piece of your survival kit. You’ve got to be able to run, climb, hike and fight in these things, so finding the right fit is gonna be key here. Depending on how much weight you’re going to carry in your pack you may need heavier...
3 Pairs of Socks

3 Pairs of Socks

Earlier we talked about boots. Well you can have the most amazing boots on the planet, but if you throw some cheap cotton socks on with them, you’re gonna turn your feet into ground meat pretty quickly. No one wants Trench-foot. So let’s see what we can do to avoid...
Shirts (2)

Shirts (2)

When it comes to The Zombie Apocalypse, no one is going to care what designer you’re wearing on the runway. While it’s always nice to be as fashionable and good looking as possible, in this particular situation we’re going to go with some options that have more...
A Pair of Long Pants

A Pair of Long Pants

Pants should be versatile, so we’ll look at a convertible style. They should also be quick drying, so we’ll stay away from cotton and check out a synthetic. Durability is also gonna be important, so we’ll want reinforced stitching. When you put all of those desirable...


Jackets are a crucial part of survival. They have to keep you warm, dry (from the rain and your own perspiration) and not weigh you down. There are many types of jackets and depending on the climate, some may work better for you than others. I’m going to touch on the...